Sainz: “Nuestra actualizacin es menor de lo que la gente piensa”

Carlos Sainz Salder Quinto en la Carrera del Gran Premio di Imola. Ferrari, who was very strong in the heat, didn't have the best quality performance and got a bit of a performance hit, despite the damage to the McLaren team. ban sin, The Madridista made it clear that he was aware that the British team was very strong in Imola.

“I explained, 'Legando a este fin de semana esperbamos que McLaren fuera muy fuerte, es un Circuito McLaren muy.'” Adams, the '55 I don't feel satisfied with neumticos blandos All weekend long and you can't have a perfect trip: “Con el neumtico blando he sofrido Mucho, voy casi ms lento que con el medio y el duro.”

Con el neomtico blando He put in a lot of effort, voy casi ms lento que con el medio y el duro

Carlos Sainz, Ferrari driver

But do not pierce the hope of the car on the road, because With MS Duros SE siente MS Rpido PCs: “He cara a mana en la carrera espero que con el medio y el duro ir mejor.” It is a difficult circuit to transduce and embezzle, which makes it difficult to output: “Saliva is important, but tamping is a very large circuit, as not much can be expected to occur in saliva.” Your goal is to be clear“There is an opportunity to stand out if we join McLaren, one in which the sailors make efforts as a team.”

Las majoras la son tan grandes

Ferrari's improvements were the main topic of the week We commented that this is what encourages you: “Our update is less than what people are doing. He's been trying to decide that in the media, active, all week.” He also apparently had no such dice. “We don't know what to do, we don't know what to do,” he finished.

Our update is better than what people do. He's been trying to figure it out via media, and has been active all week

Carlos Sainz, Ferrari driver


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