Real Madrid: El Madrid ir a Cibeles si gana LaLiga el sbado pese a que no puede ser campen sobre el csped

Hto real madrid You can't celebrate the fiesta around El Csped if the camp is on the weekend, but you have to celebrate the fiesta at La Calle CC Alza con El Tolo. Las cuentas estn claras: el Madrid es campen si suma un punto ms que el bara esta jornada. Since the Blue Team is playing after a few hours of delay, they can look to see if the White Team has gotten their way before then. Kidz.

CL Madrid With a total of three points, the idea looks to the field that finishes Girona Barra. Yes, if Xavi Pinchan will celebrate the holiday in Cibeles. The Blancos do not want to go ahead with the choice of Christmas, the sea or the difference due to the error of the clocks, or the miracles play the important part of the season, the pre-Bayern journey.

In these times, the Blancos will celebrate the Spanish League title amid the elimination of the champions by City. The result is not better. The team participated in the Spanish League on 30 April, after defeating Espanyol, and celebrated around the Spanish League and Cibeles in the quarter-finals ahead of Guardiola's team. With them in LaLiga, the Blancos will be able to install one of their biggest stars in La Liga, with a replay in the 90th with a Rodrygo brace.


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