MLS investigates disturbing Emanuel Reynoso video

Emmanuel Reynoso He is the subject of an MLS review after a video surfaced online featuring the Minnesota United star Posing with a bag of money next to someone holding a firearm.

The video, published by Argentine news agency El Doce, was reportedly taken in Reynoso's hometown of Cordoba, Argentina. The 28-year-old has been away from Minnesota for two monthsfailed to return after making a trip to Argentina in late March.

The disturbing video is the latest disciplinary case surrounding Reynoso. The Athletic newspaper quoted an anonymous Cordoba resident as saying that locals were frustrated by Reynoso's behavior in the Almirante-Brown neighborhood.

We are tired [Reynoso] And his friends who meet on the corner of the neighborhood,says the source. “They create chaos every time they come to the neighborhood.”

Minnesota looks to cut ties with 'ReyNo-Show' Emanuel

Reynoso moved to Minnesota United in 2020, coming from Argentine giants Boca Juniors. He impressed on the field during his time in MLS, becoming the first player in league history to record three assists in multiple playoff games.

But his behavior has become a problem in recent years. In 2023 he failed to show up for preseason practice with Minnesota, missing the first ten games of the season. This absence earned him the nickname Emanuel “ReyNo-Show”. It seems that his latest AWOL incident will certainly be his last and the club is keen to move him to the Mexican team Tijuana Club It is said that it is a choice.

Without Reynoso in the team, Minnesota has exceeded all expectations with an impressive start to the 2024 MLS campaign. Under new coach Eric Ramsey, who is currently in his first major managerial position, the Loons currently sit in second place in the Western Conference despite having played two fewer games than most teams surrounding it.

With Reynoso out of the picture, Minnesota will have the opportunity to bring in a replacement player to sign this summer. He and the former Norwich City striker Teemu Pukki They are the club's current partners and neither offers value for money as it stands.


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