Lieja – Bastoa – Lieja: Pogacar ajusta cuentas con Lieja para sumar su sexto monumento

Shn or dispose, Tadej Pogacar You will show your ability on the last monument of the beginning. El esloveno is played in La Redoute to anchor another recitation of the history and to summarize the second part Liga-Bastoa-Liga De Su Carrera. There is no hobo duelo trick Van der Poel It can be translated into Arabic The final race, the triathlon, preparation for your Giro d'Italia training.

This was not the time for the flowing rhythm that contributed to the beginning. Because we carry the control and calculus, the principle of the fin por un UAE that no plant on the site of the dominant group, All you can do is be the best cyclist in the world, and like always, you won't fall. Segundo entre bardet y tercero fue Matthew van der Poel Who holds each category to answer to the group's oppressed race.

Pogacar's deadly attack also began to climb Lieja

Salida de Largo

Haas back and forth. Aminaza Agwanyev. Not Flesha Valona's hell, Per the mayora del pelotn sale de Largo, con braga al cuello, guantes largos y cubrebotas. Blind to avoid going, the invisible enemy of the Belgian start, penetrates the body of cyclists and collapsed stations.

At 100 kilometres, Van der Poel has covered a long distance. A brutal mountain broke into two parts of the Earth and the World Camp freed the Earth, but it was cut off. Something went wrong because it was not put on the right path. Israel-Premier Tech tiraba delante con todo for Stephen Williams He finished the show, which was choreographed with Flecha.

In stock, salt Pidcock Tirando di Orgulo and register the activation of the group that will waste a minute, but will help you With the group Delantro in effort costs the trip. Van der Poel appears in the car, reciting the prayerI came across the main point of Las Ardenaslots of lady empenadas.

LEGARON LAS The first piece of consideration and the United Arab Emirates toc fuego e ira. Novak will be part of the group looking for the final pick, with a climb to the belt.

As they did with the mountain that attracted them to Van der Poel

Siempre la redout

The carretera brilla por la humedad La Figura de Pogacar appears. On no Redirectionthe hottest point of content that will always continue to rise Novak, the Spanish language is the usual Andanada and goes with simple facilitiesa. Your single presence intimidates your competitors. Not enforceable.

It was sent and filmed Vatios for luminar toda Belgium, the best cyclist of the moment, memorial text sentences of your superiority and endless comforts. Yes Pogacar solo, as relish, as marcaba la lgica y las apuestas camino a la gloria en otra jornada huge.

for thatBelo Bilbao iChoose a group that will compare Slovenian art at the podium and at the school Healy, with his tortured skin And you have entered the French language Bardet, Gregoire and Cousenfroy. Bernal Pelea por Detrs y Tras l, Salta Van der Poel in order to install another champion worthy of being third. Second entry Bardet via quirrgico attack.

Los Timos Kilometers, La Cuesta de las FuerjasNot terrible Roca de los Halcones, los recorre is quiet, with a steady and perfect pedal. Cuateloso en los descensos, enjoying joyful moment by joyful moment. Tadej Pogacar justa cuentas with lieja. Now, start the double authenticity Giro tour.

Clasificacin de la Lieja-Bastoa-Lieja


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