Irn ataca a Israel: explosiones, sirenas y caos en la noche de Jerusaln

toSirens also sound in the Jerusalem night in the middle of the unintended defense zone Intercepting drones and missiles launched from Iran.

Attack maneuvers on Israel beganAnd the use of missiles and a large number of drones with explosive charges. There are tense moments in Jerusalem, with sirens blaring all night, and a lot of uncertainty among Israeli citizens. Everything was produced in response to the Israeli attack on the Iranian embassy in Damascus (Syria).

170 drones and 120 ballistic missiles

The newspaper “El Ejercito Israel” confirmed that the 170 drones were launched before midnight in the Israeli Alkans region. 25 cruise missiles were intercepted and all 120 ballistic missiles.

“99% of security threats to the territory of Israel have been intercepted, which is a strategic slogan of great importance,” said Daniel Hagari in a press report using the Citadel transport, in statements acknowledged by EFE.

He launched an attack against Israel with drones loaded with explosives

Adams, the portal confirms the existence of different areas, without specifying a single name, of “the lands of Iraq and Yemen,” but I believe that they do not travel to the lands of Israel.


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