Atletismo: Carlos Gil Prez, exdirector tcnico de la Federacin, acusado de abusos a menores

CArlos Gil Brez, 80-year-old technical director of the Spanish Athletic Federation for adult sports and coach, Accused of sexual abuse largely by two curious, record information posted by 'El Pas'. These athletes, the federation of the UDS (Unin Deportiva Salamanca) and these too, are sure that the outsiders, who have fallen, can work on their porn in their homes and make the movies.

“There is no need to enter a door with your name and no name on your phone. Because it is the name of the child who is with me,” Asegura uno de los deportistas, tal y como recoge 'El Pas'. She shows much joy that she has Ms. vctimas, as she “always tries with a number of people. I could manually put it in the package and I wouldn't be able to.”

Other La Boca athletes confirm the environment that condemns the two likes. “We don't like porn, s. The phone is in the phone, But we deal with it since the message was sent and when we continue to exercise, we change in a pornographic and debauched style: “Qu, a que os estis riendo?” Conmigo no fue ms all de las pelis”, asegura un tercer entrevistado.

There are places inside the salad, with the place where you put the mano in the paquete. When you work out what I should stop doing this and not move into your house

Denuncia de un exataleta

Uncle Carlos Gil was in the national team and moved to Madrid, establishing his residence in Salamanca. “(…) In hell ever since and Carlos's house, it has become a site for the stay of the young braves. We have a statement. After completing the cola extraction, cover the minutes for a week. We have pornographic films (…). There are places inside the salad, with the place where you put the mano in the paquete. When you feel conscious that I should leave like that and not move into your house. “This hobby has many different talents and many different talents, major ones.”

The Federation of Castile and Len, like other athletes or technicians of Boca, such as Antonio Sanchez or Marciliano Ruiz, have confirmed the “bass” and have not reported regarding their convictions and have not declared these abuses in the least.


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