Athletic: Ernesto Valverde renueva una temporada con el Athletic

Hto Athlete y Valverde Han announced that the technology would last for a certain period of time. Access to the specified time and steps for 20 hours from this time will be available to everyone. This could be the case if you knew something about the future De Marcos.

“No, Linda D Ernesto Valverde “Contina”, use the club in your note to show what pleases you through the newsletter. She strives towards the end of the training, which has been directed to three different stages, and with it the time has come to win the cup. In the previous stages gan una Super Cupreached the final Cuba The classification of al equipment paragraph is not disputed Champions y European LeagueReplay the first track.

Txingurri brings together 395 participants in the bank and is the coach with MS mentors in the period. Sh Athlete Shows that “it's all in your code and the results that are irreplaceable, it's the great thing that Valverde It has transformed the actual athlete into a team with a great environment and tremendous ability to Saint Mams“.


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